Company Leaders 2018-10-10T17:31:40+00:00



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla fringilla lectus neque, sit amet tincidunt dui aliquet ac. Pellentesque aliquet finibus quam, a sagittis mauris porttitor sed. Morbi tincidunt ipsum gravida hendrerit imperdiet. Suspendisse pulvinar, turpis ac pellentesque tempor, nisl mauris tincidunt lorem, at consequat ipsum tellus eget neque. Donec eget porttitor sapien. Fusce eu venenatis eros. In vitae erat augue. Suspendisse eget orci leo. Proin fermentum libero nunc, in ullamcorper dolor sagittis nec. Suspendisse semper, nunc vel commodo maximus, felis urna scelerisque ligula, vel tempus libero mauris id elit. Duis egestas arcu at suscipit suscipit. Vivamus et nisl ac tortor aliquet vestibulum. Etiam viverra luctus odio, suscipit porta eros fermentum vitae. Curabitur nibh ex, laoreet vitae bibendum vitae, feugiat quis lorem. Duis dapibus pharetra nunc at porttitor. Sed nibh eros, mattis a vehicula quis, semper sed nibh.


Juan Rodriguez has been the Wilson Estates vineyard manager since the beginning, responsible for over 300 acres of prime Sonoma County vineyards. Soil is in his blood, and his knowledge of vineyards, grapes and how to coax them to perfection is what makes Wilson Artisan wines stellar.

Working alongside his brother and family, Juan tends the vines, nurtures them through rain or shine, protects them from ill, and cares for each one like a member of the family. With an expert eye for the weather, seasons, and landscape Juan’s skill as a vineyard manager proves that great wines start in the vineyards.